August 11, 2023
Sometimes Life’s Amazing or it is a Maze That I’m Lost In.
New Single “Sometimes Life’s Amazing” Premiere’s on Roots Music Canada
Ryan McMahon shares third single from upcoming album “Live Now” to remember the highs of life.
The lyrics say it best. “Sometimes Life’s Amazing or it’s a maze that I’m lost in…”
Last October I took my daughter to the corn maze on the outskirts of town. The tall stalks reached far over our heads and the sounds of kids and parents discovering new pathways toward the destination of the pumpkin patch to choose the gourd that will adorn the doorstep throughout Halloween rang in our ears.
This is the simplest version of putting the words into imagery. Sometimes life’s amazing… new discoveries, parenthood, falling in love… or it is a maze that I’m lost in… finding love, a job, a life purpose…
Navigating this journey can be overwhelming at times, but remember… this too shall pass. The convoluted obstructions teach us patience and kindness on this path to being a human. Some of us decide to honor the animal and become vegan, some of us decide that our body doesn’t suit us and we choose to make changes to enable us to feel whole. The maze of life is a game of choice and chance… and like Sally Field told Forrest… “You never know what you’re gonna get.”
So we weave and bob and shift and pivot as we fall in and out of love, bring new life into the world and decide to finally live a life of our own.
We are lucky to be human. I’m sitting here staring at four bananas hanging on a wire rack. Bananas don’t have choice and chance. Bananas have one purpose.
As humans we have the ability to create change at every passing moment. A new decision can have a monumental effect on our outcome. The butterfly effect… you’ve felt it. I know it. You’ve made a decision and thought at some point afterwards… what if?
But, like my Dad always said… “‘What if’ doesn’t exist.”
What does exist is you. Here and now. You are real and the experience you have is yours.
I can only hope that my lyrics resonate with you.
That you have been lucky enough to have felt some amazing moments in life… and that you have felt the joy and trepidation of walking through this maze of life only to arrive at the hilltop, the summit of the current challenge and you have felt the incredulous joy of achievement.
I felt this on my last tour as I navigated through a support tour for our amazing Canadian Icon, Burton Cummings – going from theatres to house concerts and backyard celebrations to the largest indoor performance I’ve had the privilege to share my songs and stories with – it was a maze of experiences and people and places.
Enjoy the journey (the maze) so that when you get to the destination – it rings true… Sometimes… Life is amazing.
Jump in the passenger seat and take a ride along with Ryan McMahon throughout the BC and Alberta countryside… because living here in Canada… it is amazing!