November 18, 2024
Learning to Shine: 25 Years in Music
Dear you;
I write to you today from a small hotel in Leader, Saskatchewan…
I have snobby West-Coast coffee in my gut, and 2 day old socks that will be leaving the feet momentarily. I’m a bit worn out, and I’m about to take 2 months off to focus on writing, my own physical & mental health & family.
For 25 years, I’ve recorded & toured, and relied on the good graces of mostly Western Canadian audiences that ‘get’ what I do. I’ve had the good luck to have been surrounded by dozens of great musicians throughout the years – from the Grandpa Bob-named “Dirty 5” all the way to Lion Bear Fox, I’ve been fortunate to have collaborated and shared time with some great people who have enriched my life. I’ve toured with & met heroes & put food on the table doing what I love.
2025 seems like such a huge number to me… time has really vanished somewhat; more noticeably so since the pandemic. My kids grew up, and my personal life has changed exponentially; venues started to close & some of this ‘ol vocation that used to be a vacation started to get a bit harder somehow.
I’m acutely aware of what HOME means and what has been sometimes sacrificed on account of my career in music. I balanced it as best I could, but ultimately feel like my work enveloped me completely for a while there… Who was I if I wasn’t Ryan the musician? I felt like I had to say yes to every opportunity that came my way, even if it didn’t add up financially or spiritually.
2025 will be different for a few reasons. My plan is to first take 2 months off to write music – every day, using this muscle that has gone unattended to because of a turbulent last couple of years… I will find a new voice, and a second act of sorts, and ultimately determine what it is I want to say & communicate with people. I’m going to establish a balance between home & road life, but before I do……
I’m happy to announce that I wish to celebrate…
I wish to connect with my Western Canadian audience by heading out on an extensive 28-date solo tour (with some surprises) between Feb-April.
Dates are being added daily, so expect this to be chalked full…. and if you don’t see your town, reach out to me.
I will be digging way back into my catalogue & playing some older material, mixed with covers that you’ve never heard from me… I want to get out there & laugh, connect & share stories with all of those who have supported me since day one.
Full ticket information will be released in early January. This is a real mix of listening rooms, theatres, halls, house concerts & clubs. It’s going to be fun playing a different kind of space every night. HUGE thanks to all my hosts that have jumped on board this run of dates. You all mean the world to me, and have helped out this indie singer/songwriter put food on the table for over 2 decades now. Without you….. well, it just wouldn’t work.
For venue info, please visit http://ryanmcmahon.com/tour
Consider this a holiday season sign-off … I will see you, bright-eyed & bushy-tailed as they say, in 2025. In the meantime, be kind to each other, laugh your heads off & listen to some good music.