August 9, 2019
But first, Denmark
Oh hi there.
SO… after a busy couple of days rife with plane ticket changes, announcements, phone calls, texts and e-mails, Lion Bear Fox has stated that for personal reasons, it won’t be able to make our concert dates at Tonder Festival in Denmark (Aug. 22-26). Instead, I’m going w/ my band.
Some things are bigger than concerts… Without getting into any details, the band has been slowed by a personal matter for almost the past year, and we’ve all agreed that it’s time to hit the brakes for a while until it’s all resolved. Please know: LBF is all still very cool with one another, and we all care very much for each other and each other’s well being. I wouldn’t trade one moment of my 7 year run with the band, and I am sure that we’ll be working together again down the road. We have shows in Ontario in October, and more in 2020 already – so we will be returning to the stage soon.
So – this leads me to right now…. Right now, with the band’s and Tonder Fest’s blessing, I’m replacing Lion Bear Fox in Denmark next week. It’s been a fast-paced few days, and my band & I have been hard at work, rehearsing to make sure we bring you a show worthy of your attendance. I’ll be playing some of my contributions to Lion Bear Fox, ’cause you guys deserve to hear that stuff. I’ll be playing lots of songs from my most recent record, “In Line For a Smile,” as well, plus a few covers… it’ll be great. I promise; I won’t let you down!!
Thanks so much for your support everybody ~ See you across the pond.