February 18, 2022
One More Fire
“What’s ahead of me is better than what’s behind…”
That’s the refrain that has started to become my mantra in over the past year since writing “One More Fire.”
It feels like almost everybody I know, inside the music business & out, has endured some seemingly insurmountable challenges during the pandemic.
There have been days where I’ve struggled to get outta my own head; I’ve felt aimless & I’ve sometimes kicked myself for not having a ‘back-up plan’ to help support my family… I mean, who knew in 2019 when I was rolling along on tours, making records & really starting to find my voice as a songwriter that we’d be here two short years later? I really found myself deflated, & I was scared.
Making music & all that comes with having it be one’s vocation is something that over time, absolutely becomes part of you. The question often became: “Who am I if not this?”
I needed a kick-start.
‘Get up, go again I want a job / something encompassing / more than a lot’
I started envisioning a sort of ‘roaring-20’s’ feeling, where all that is pent up inside of us would be set to release-mode when we were able to once again.
One More Fire is that other shot that we’ve all got. To make things right with ourselves & those around us. To try something new we’ve never experienced; to own our shit with those we’ve wronged and to let go of all that we cannot change. One More Fire is a chance. To celebrate & connect with one another once again regardless of background. To jettison division, opinion & ego.
My passion has a heartbeat again, & I hope yours does too. I’m ready to embark on the first leg of what will be a year or more of touring behind these singles & ultimately, an album. I can’t wait to re-connect with some old friends, & to meet some new ones while I’m out. I need it & I hope you do too.
Here’s our first teaser video, by the very-talented Sean Lyons. Look for “One More Fire” to be just about everywhere SOON!