February 27, 2024
How Are You?
I’m fine, thanks. I’m staring at a cat that isn’t actually my cat but it’s been adopted as such over time… Her name is Harlo and she’s a fine friend, really. She reminded me this morning that I hadn’t written a blog on my website in quite some time, and with tour fast approaching, I figured she’s right: I should check in.
So how are you?
Are you getting enough vitamin D, B & C? Are you getting outside and limiting screen time? Are you immersing yourself in only work, or are you finding the balance between time with friends & the ever-present grindstone?
I’m immersed in a year of upheaval. Lots of change in my life right now, and I’m trying to change myself along with it. So that’s a lot of waves all colliding together at once. I find myself sleeping deeply every night, despite concerns & anxieties about change…. simply because I’m pushing myself to get as much physical activity as I’ve had since I was a twelve year old. I’m walking / hiking / running all over this town & it’s hills, trying to get my head on straight… doing some work on the inside with each passing step. Thanks to my friend Bob for helping get me started on this new, healthier addiction. I visit it most days.
In just a few days I’ll be heading out on another tour. Familiar territory, but like I always say: I go where I’m wanted. BC/AB is so good to me. The BC interior & it’s lakes & it’s wine; the friendly beef-eating Alberta faces greeting you as you move from big centres like Calgary through to the cattle country of LaCombe & Forestburg… I need this tour probably more than any one audience member does this time. It’s time for me to get to work; leave everything out onstage every night – maybe make you laugh a little; maybe even make ya cry if you’re into that sort of thing.
I still love this job, and I still love you for coming out to see me play. My army isn’t always large, but I see you there & I’m so glad you’re still listening to this on-the-fringe Canadian songster. We’ve been through some records, some shows and some living together haven’t we? I’ve even watched some of your kids grow up to be young men & women. It’s crazy how fast time has gone.
Do me a favour if you catch one of my gigs on this run: come up & give me a big bear-hug, alright? Tell me about your lives & how things are going. I’ll be present & listen. After all, this music thing is more about the connection than the cash these days. We might as well revel in it.